Where to grow

allotment growing

allotment growing

Allotment growing
There are several Kirklees Council allotment sites in the Newsome Ward:

Get an allotment in Newsome

Growing Newsome have a community allotment for anyone who lives in the Newsome Ward to share:

Community allotment



garden growing

garden growing

Garden growing
We are starting a garden sharing scheme in Newsome, and we’re looking for people to take part. Please contact us if you are looking for somewhere to grow food, or if you have a garden or other patch of land that you’d be willing to share.

You can contact us using this web site,
or print and return our land sharing sheet:

Land sharing sheet (pdf)



planting potatoes at Stirley Farm

farm growing

Stirley Community Farm
You can also join us and our friends at the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust in the vegetable garden at Stirley Farm, off Hall Bower Lane. Growing Newsome look after four of the veg beds in the training garden, and our participants are often there on Tuesday mornings (which is also volunteer day at Stirley each week).

Stirley Farm